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Meet Dr. Kash

Dr Kash (MChiro)

Leamington Spa Clinic

Kash’s interest in chiropractic started in his late teens when his brother started to see a chiropractor and he instantly saw the benefits. The treatment allowed his brother to recover from a lower back injury which was affecting his everyday life. Kash then went on to study Chiropractic at the Welsh Institute Of Chiropractic graduating with a merit in his Masters degree. Kash is a sports enthusiast, playing many different sports over his lifetime. He loves to transfer his knowledge of sport into practice ensuring the body is performing at its optimal level, and finds joy in complex and difficult cases. Kash believes that everyone deserves a chance to be able to become the best version of themselves, whether it be in sports, work, life or in health.

Opening Hours

Monday – 8am- 6:30 pm
Tuesday– CLOSED
Wednesday– 8 am–7 pm
Thursday – CLOSED
Friday– 9am- 5pm
Saturday– CLOSED
Sunday– CLOSED